OK Ok ok

6 October, 2009

here’s the thing, we’re working on a new angle, a new tangent and a new format. So bear with me, we’ll be back shortly.

Blame Game

11 September, 2009

one week I was too busy to keep track. 
one week I was out of town.

this week we were too tired from being busy, and being out of town.
we’ll return to regular programming next week.


week (weak) in each hand

20 August, 2009

It’s hot in Brooklyn.
Really hot to keep having the oven on in the evenings. 

Since I can’t rush through that part, since I’ve done this backwards and keep making things that come together quickly but bake for a long time — I’m rushing through this part. 

Week 9. 12 August 2009.

Spoils: (only) 15 apples and a banana

We beefed this up with some things we got from the CSA, eggs and peaches and actually had a nice load of 29 lunches with fruit, hardboiled eggs and zucchini bread in all. And sandwiches, 19 “chicken” salad, and 10 PB+J. 

Week 10. 19 August 2009.

Spoils: more zucchinis, apples, peaches, plum (1), pear (1), celery (5 stalks), lemon, grapes, strawberries and 2 green peppers

Shopping list: butter, eggs (3), PB and jam, and some pantry items (wax paper and lunch bags)

(truly) no harm in asking

12 August, 2009

We asked. Got our answers (yes!) and want to give due thanks.

We wrote to 3 companies who make products we buy each week, to supply the pantry, asking if they would be interested in making a donation in kind to our program. The answers were swift and sweet, and we are gratefully watching for delivery in the coming weeks. 

Thank you for the:
wax paper 


12 August, 2009

Came together at the end, but it was a bit shaky. Haul was small and with it much too hot for the oven the lunches were small too. Still we delivered 6 PB+J and 24 “chicken” salad, some with apricots, some with apples, and a few with a plum or nectarine.